there is a genius brand behind wiki. it gives an impression that no idea is a bad idea. it is a medium where one can share his or her idea and thought without being criticized. so far, if have been contributing to pages such as advertising, social networking and new media. i am looking to upload images as well as facts and data to various pages to make them more interesting. i have a lot to share on wiki because it allows me to edit and add to what other users are sharing. for some reason, wiki is not allowing me to create a new wiki post which is what i really want to do and other users can collaborate with me. i am sure by the end of this class, i will already have contributed significantly to our class wiki. i have information on my mobile phone that i would like to add to wiki soon but i have been having technical difficulties connecting my phone to my pc. i plan to send these information to my email so i can open it on my pc, that way it would be easier for me to upload them to wiki.
i couldnt agree any more! wiki is the new encyclopedia !