• Creativity and New Media - For the creativity and new media assignment, I decided to join the virtual world and create a Second Life character. The process was simple at first. I st...
    9 years ago
  • BLOG: NEXT NEW - A type of “new media” that doesn’t exist that I would like to bring to life is the idea of comedy being a social media application in it of itself. I began...
    9 years ago
  • CCNY celebrates Women’s History Month 2025 - The City College of New York celebrates Women’s History Month with a multitude of events including a movie screening and lectures. Below is a list of this ...
    7 hours ago
  • The Next New Thing - The current hanging display boards in the subway stations are ok but I think they can be improved. We can have digital billboards in surrounding places and...
    9 years ago
  • Next New - Most of the times we as students are indecisive of the major we want to pursue. We toy with classes hoping that it will help us make up our mind. In the pr...
    9 years ago
  • Next New - Media has advanced a lot in the past decade or so, especially the evolution from old media to new media. But what is next? Technology has gotten a lot more...
    9 years ago
  • NEXT NEW - Social media and new media are playing so much vital part in our daily life ,that every now and then many apps or sofware is creating. These apps are so us...
    9 years ago
  • Next New - A new type of "new media" that currently doesn't exist is a social platform where people can participate in physical activities by connecting athletes and ...
    9 years ago
  • Wiki So Far - I have not yet contributed to our class's wiki. I have been doing research on the technology category and I am planning to add a sub-content called "OnePlu...
    9 years ago
  • Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds - Virtual worlds can be identical to reality or built for fantasy reasons. Virtual worlds can be used in a variety of ways. A virtual world allows users or p...
    9 years ago
  • Wiki so far - So far, I've been mostly reading the wiki blog. There are quite a few categories in the main webpage and each one contains a lot of rather interesting info...
    9 years ago
  • P2P - File sharing is the practice to send files from one computer to another through Internet or other kind of network (example: Ethernet). P2P (Peer-to-peer) ...
    9 years ago
  • Next New Thing - Up to this point we can say that new media had provided us with the most of what we need and want to satisfy us. However, there is always something to work...
    9 years ago
  • BLOG: P2P - File sharing is the usage of or capability to transmit files or documents from one computer to another computer through a network system or from the intern...
    9 years ago
  • P2P File Sharing - File sharing is to providing others to access certain digital media, examples are documents, pdf files, or computer programs. P2P File sharing is p...
    9 years ago
  • P2P - File sharing is the distribution of digital media, which may include documents, music, video, and images. The problem with file sharing is that these digit...
    9 years ago
  • Wiki So Far - So far, I have added information to the pages about love, sports, and food. I mentioned for love more information about cat-fishing and hackers posing as a...
    9 years ago
  • The Next New Thing - A type of new media that doesn’t already exists is video Siri for Apple products. As we all know Apple iPhones, IPads and iPods have Siri voice command on ...
    9 years ago
  • P2P - File sharing can be defined as the transmission of a file via a network from computers. P2P is a type of file sharing that allows these files to be transm...
    9 years ago
  • New Media Idea - I believe that there is so many ways new media can be used that its really hard to come up with a very specific idea. But if I was really going to create a...
    9 years ago
  • Wiki So Far - I've been editing our class wikis couple times throughout this semester. Because I'm not good at fixing syntax error or grammar, so that I decided to uploa...
    9 years ago
  • WIKI So Far - In contributing to our class wiki, I have added a 13-line paragraph in the "New Media in Sports" section. My paragraph was about fantasy basketball and si...
    9 years ago
  • NEXT NEW - What would happen if you can use technology or social media in your sleep? There are people out there who are obsessed with the internet that they stay up ...
    9 years ago
  • New media vs old media? The answer in black and white - Which is a better buy: old media or new media? Some recent sales of established newspapers and freshly minted online rags offer a unique look into a debate...
    9 years ago

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

the next new thing

i notice on other social networking sites such as facebook and twitter and instagram, how people market their products by sharing photos, they leave a link to another website like ebay and etsy or amazon for their potential buyers to click on. what about a social networking site that allows for socializing and also buying and selling of goods all on the same site without the involvement of a third party website?

i suggest a fun social media site that allows its users in form of buyers and sellers to socialize with one another easily without the hassle of roaming around different websites. a name such as social market place very well describe my idea. this kind of social networking site will allow the sellers to share as much information with their consumers as they want, as well as family and friends. not only that, it would also allow them to get feed backs from their consumer in a faster and easier way. from the consumers perspective, it will allow purchasing of goods and services easier because this new media will allows give them access to view products from different manufacturers or sellers in one place. the social media site will also allow them to make purchases in the same place without having to visit their paypal account and things of that nature. overall, it would be a fun thing for everyone.      

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

our class wiki - so far

there is  a genius brand behind wiki. it gives an impression that no idea is a bad idea. it is a medium where one can share his or her idea and thought without being criticized. so far, if have been contributing to pages such as advertising, social networking and new media. i am looking to upload images as well as facts and data to various pages to make them more interesting. i have a lot to share on wiki because it allows me to edit and add to what other users are sharing. for some reason, wiki is not allowing me to create a new wiki post which is what i really want to do and other users can collaborate with me. i am sure by the end of this class, i will already have contributed significantly to our class wiki. i have information on my mobile phone that i would like to add to wiki soon but i have been having technical difficulties connecting my phone to my pc. i plan to send these information to my email so i can open it on my pc, that way it would be easier for me to upload them to wiki.

p2p file sharing

what is file sharing? file sharing is the distribution or the provision of computer data over the internet. there are several types of file sharing and one of them is peer to peer file sharing. peer to peer file sharing is a system of sharing files directly between network users, with the requirement of a central server. file sharing is legal unless it is a copyrighted material of program. copyrighted material include music and computer software programs that are meant to be paid for to have access to. examples are music and games. examples of peer to peer programs are BitTorrent and Napster.

a blog post on all tech considered also shared an innovative way investors use p2p file sharing, the lending club. this allow borrowers to borrow directly while eradicating the intermediaries. by doing this, the investors are able to make good profit while the borrowers get lower interest rate, as low as six percent.

sources: peer-to-peer file sharing:

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Baruch college is downing a great job in using new media to communicate with students in terms of using the blackboard and cunyfirst. it is fast and convenient. the area i'll advice the school is the student email. the baruch email seem like an outsider in the sense that it is not directly connected to any of the other cuny or baruch accounts. this make student miss out on information sometimes. this can be improved if the baruch email can be connected to blackboard so that when student visit their blackboard site, they can also view their email in one shot. student usually visit their blackboard site more than they visit the baruch email. another way to make it convenient is to create an app. every student have their primary email such as yahoo or google of which they get instant notification on their mobile devices through the apps, if baruch email can provide an app where student can get instant notification on messages, it would be amazing.


privacy and confidentiality

privacy on the internet include the right for every individual to determine what information they share on the internet and how they are being used. unfortunately, this right have been taken away from us. this does not only apply to individuals but also to companies with large pool of information for example target, banks, insurance companies, etc. the amount of information available on the internet today is overwhelming, everything is out there and no information on the internet is safe. for every individual who owns a smartphone, the web analyst have in one way or the other tapped into your personal information like address, where you work, your life style and so on. marketing and advertising companies are able to tailor the products they advertise to you because everything on the internet is connected, doing something as simple as typing into the search engine on your phone or computer gives them the information they need as per what you might be interested in. at this point, it is not a big of a deal for some individuals, but in situations where confidential information such as credit information or medical history are being hacked into, i don't think the internet is the most secure space for these information to be stored. it used to be easy to convince people that the internet is safe, but now it is not, site such as facebook and google now have access to your personal information to a great extent which does not used to be like that. new media have made it a lot easier, almost tempting for people to share their personal information online.  

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


the ability to express ones creative idea is creativity. the idea can be original, that is something we made up on our own with internal inspiration, it can also be idea coined from others creativity. i believe creativity is an act of its own. it is a different thing to have all these amazing ideas and imaginations, but how well can you express it to the audience? where do you find your audience? this is where creativity comes to play because, depending on how well you can express and translate your ideas and thoughts, that is what measures how creative you are.

today, we can find a lot of creative people on the internet, new media made it possible and more accessible. new media has given people to ability to share their ideas. new media is creativity on it own, in addition to people being able to add or contribute to this creativity, new media is now amazingly a platform of creativity. on new media, one will find things that you have never imagined and incredibly creative ideas and item. 

creativity and new media

new media is where creative minded individuals get to showcase their creativity to the world. not only that, new media also gives less creative minded individuals the encouragement to be more creative. new media is an acceptable platform for people to show their work. a very good example is YouTube, Facebook, twitter, and Pinterest. these are social media site where people share their ideas through videos, in writing and photos. like the article in new york times about the parody videos and Disney accepting it. i think the idea about Disney not opposing these talented individual ideas is because of the creativity behind it. on the other hand, linked in is another new media platform where creativity comes to play when it comes to marketing your skills. so many thoughts are put into putting words that describes ones skills in order to get peoples attention.

another way new media have promoted creativity is the visual aspect of it. individuals get to put their true self forward in order for the audience to see. ideas can be shared in real time. also, it is like an archive where audience can always go back to and watch or read at any point in time.


Monday, March 23, 2015

virtual world vs. reality

I would not wear six inches pair of heels in day time to work but that what I wear in the Kim kardashian game, haha :). what does that say about me? that I like heels and will love to wear them all the time. but because I can't do that in real life, I turned to the virtual world and model that life. it is easy, the internet made and technology made it possible. it is very convenient and less expense (may cost you more in the long run). virtual world might be a true expression of who we really are. the article on NYTimes, "No Budget, No Boundaries. its the real you" is a good article that analyses the online gaming form of virtual world. it discussed why people turn to virtual would and how it affects their day to day lives. it also discussed how it helped Mandy Cocke (the study subject of the article) trim her spending in real life.

let us take it into take a look at how much gamer actually spend on these games because the article also discussed how players spends $40 in purchasing "therebucks" which is the form of money gamers spend on purchasing virtual goods. it virtual world also have effected our social lives. people who turn to virtual world just to get away from reality tend to socialize less. it can also take a toll on mental health as these individual have higher chances of developing social anxiety. "I've been in that club, just not in real life" is an excellent article on NYTimes that talks about socializing in virtual world and its reflexing on who we really are. the writer discussed how he wasn't comfortable to change his outfit and how challenging it was for his to finally do so. just like the instance I gave about myself in the beginning of this blog, that I would where heels in virtual games but not in real life. virtual world is a reflection of who we are in the real world. it is another way of expressing ourselves.

 No Budget, No Boundaries: It’s the Real You by RUTH LA FERLA, the New York Times, Oct 22, 2009.

 "I've Been in That Club, Just Not in Real Life" by Dave Itzkoff, The New York Times, January 6, 2008

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


It's all fun until you have to put your amazing thought into 140 character. I always feel like I can't effectively get my point across in just 140 character. But I do it anyways. When twitter launched in 2006, it wasn't as exciting as it is today. In 2006, you cannot share pictures or videos on twitter, it was only texts. I personally did find it very easy to use. I guess that is why people in counties such as Brazil still visit Facebook more than twitter, they probably don't know about the new twitter or how improved it is.

Twitter current have 284 million active users and gets 340 million tweets per day. Twitter is widely used today because of the fact that you can do so many things on it now. For instance, local, business and world news, as broadcasting companies can now link their websites in their posts. The 140 character is also a great feature because every post tend to be simple and short on twitter.

The hashtag feature is also great because it allows user to narrow down their interest and they don't have to read unnecessary post that they are not interested in, which calls for less scrolling as oppose to Facebook. It is less time consuming, compact, and can be used for many productive things such as sharing business card, finding jobs, interacting with other users, sharing music and videos.

Social networking sites

Social networking sites such as Facebook, twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest are well known. Facebook is the most widely used one, maybe because it is the oldest of the four that I mentioned or I can say it is me user friendly compare with twitter and Instagram and Pinterest. It is user friendly in the sense that it is more straight forward for sharing ideas as well as videos and the likes all in one shot. Unlike twitter where you have to squeeze your idea into 140 characters (that takes special skills), as well as Instagram and Pinterest which is mainly for sharing pictures. Even though these social network sites all serve the same purpose of sharing ideas and news, they all deliver differently, it just depend on individual need and preference. For example, if I want to socialize with family and close friends, Facebook does a great job with that. When it comes to news and gossips and updates, twitter is the site to visit because you can get real time updates from twitter. For example, I check mta tweet updates about trains whether there are delays or not on twitter, they always keep me up to date on twitter. When I need ideas about lifestyle and fashion and what's trending, I choose Instagram and Pinterest for that because that have great visuals in terms of photograph and also ideas.

All these social networks are up to all the tasks that I have mentioned, but because of their little differences, they are better at doing certain things than the others. The bottom line is, we should be on all of them in other to be well rounded.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

social networkig

we live in a world of social networking today. a world where every businesses and the likes are tied to social media such as Facebook and twitter. social networking is widely accepted because it is a very and convenient way of connecting with family and friends in the aspect of personal use, and also a very cheap and convenient way for businesses to connect with their customers. social networking has a great impact in our society today. it has impacted businesses, life style (fashion, sports, hobbies). the positive thing about social media is that it give everyone a platform. everybody has a voice and can contribute to the society through social networking.

businesses are now turning to social media to advertise their products instead of the traditional television commercials, we now see them on Facebook, twitter, blogs, and YouTube. i think this create more awareness for products because social media can easily be accessed on the go because of smartphones and similar devices, unlike the traditional television which i am not even sure if people still sit to watch them anymore because i don't. an article on wall street journal sates that 131 million people between the ages on 18 and 64 in the US are Facebook users, that number is 500 million worldwide.

we can also look at social media in the aspect of job creation and its contribution to the stock market. some online businesses really solely on social networking when it comes to small business that cannot afford a website yet, it is a great platform to start. an article on forbes magazine states that blogging is the very easy platform for people to share there opinion and also market their brands. not only that, the article also gave some ideas of using blogging to effectively do this, for example, by asking a question or questions at the end of each post.

social networking companies such as google and facebook and twitter have made their companies public which people are investing in. it just shows how widely used the social networking company is. another interesting this is that forbe magazine says that social networking is not a lot of people are on social media as it appears to be. so, is it a good decision to invest in a social networking company?

references: ten myths about social networking for business
WSJ: tapping into social-media smart

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

blog vs wiki

Blog and wiki are similar but also different. a wiki is a website that allows multiple users to create and organize a web page collaboratively. It allows for multiple users, in the sense that there is more than one author. On the other hand, a blog is more of a personal website used to share opinion and information. A blog allows for only one author. it can also be a collaborative effort, in the sense that a blog  might contain the collective idea of a group of employee or an organization. the differences between between a wiki and a blog is that a wiki allows for multiple author while a blog only allows for one author. for this reason, a wiki is constantly changing, it grows rapidly, and it contains for information which make it suitable for classroom and educational use. On the other hand, a blog only allows for one author, and because of that, it doesn't contain as much information as the wiki and it grows slowly. It is more of an opinion sharing platform compared to wiki which is more of a knowledge sharing platform.

A blog can encourage bullying according to the New York times post that emphasizes on how bad things can be wrote about people without the writer remaining anonymous. If there can be a medium that regulates what can be posted and make sure all information are being verified before they go online. Wiki on the other hand, i feel it is not very user friendly in the sense that anyone can modify other peoples post. i think wiki can be more personalized.

references:  Op-Ed Columnist 
                    An internal wiki that is not classified

social networking: impact on businesses and the economy

social networking have become a very vital part of small businesses and large corporations in terms of marketing their product, advertising, and connecting with consumers. new media has made it very easy and cheaper for business owner to connect with customers. i am going to focus more on how new media has helped or is helping small business owner with limited funds market and promote there product with technology such as social media, Instagram, Facebook, twitter, and blogs. also i am going to talk about the accessibility and and comfort that comes with using social networking to market products and promote businesses.