• New New - New media has almost everything anyone can want and need to make communication easier. But a new form of media that would be pretty interesting is a websit...
    9 years ago
  • BLOG: NEXT NEW - A type of “new media” that doesn’t exist that I would like to bring to life is the idea of comedy being a social media application in it of itself. I began...
    9 years ago
  • CUNY DSI launches new mural program to uplift Washington Heights - The CUNY Dominican Studies Institute at The City College of New York is launching a one-year program to bring new art mural projects to Washington Heights....
    2 days ago
  • The Next New Thing - The current hanging display boards in the subway stations are ok but I think they can be improved. We can have digital billboards in surrounding places and...
    9 years ago
  • Next New - Most of the times we as students are indecisive of the major we want to pursue. We toy with classes hoping that it will help us make up our mind. In the pr...
    9 years ago
  • Next New - Media has advanced a lot in the past decade or so, especially the evolution from old media to new media. But what is next? Technology has gotten a lot more...
    9 years ago
  • NEXT NEW - Social media and new media are playing so much vital part in our daily life ,that every now and then many apps or sofware is creating. These apps are so us...
    9 years ago
  • Next New - A new type of "new media" that currently doesn't exist is a social platform where people can participate in physical activities by connecting athletes and ...
    9 years ago
  • The next new thing - The new type of media that I imagine is people could have real live experience in the virtual world. It is a new way of human interaction. I can imagine wh...
    9 years ago
  • Next New Media - A virtual personal assistant. Maybe like artificial intelligence app that does emails and scheduling and all the other tasks that may be needed or maybe I'...
    9 years ago
  • Next New - With advances of new media technologies sparking rapidly faster than ever, never before seen ways to connect the world has lead innovation to its apex. Per...
    9 years ago
  • Next New - The next type of new media I would like to introduce is the integrated smart technology that will be able to communicate with people through the every-day ...
    9 years ago
  • Next New Thing - Up to this point we can say that new media had provided us with the most of what we need and want to satisfy us. However, there is always something to work...
    9 years ago
  • BLOG: NEXT NEW - Technology is such thing that it will continue to evolve with good and bad affect. In such a situation New Media is not far from discovering the next media...
    9 years ago
  • The Next New Thing - The hardest thing for me is to track my email for an update job hiring information. I’m really looking forward to having such an App that can help j...
    9 years ago
  • Next New - New media is rapidly advancing. For the next new thing, I would like to see a holograms come out of smartphones. Instead of scrolling through the words of ...
    9 years ago
  • Next New - I think the next new media should be one that focuses on career development. While there is LinkedIn and Indeed that focuses on promoting your brand or fin...
    9 years ago
  • The Next New Thing - A type of new media that doesn’t already exists is video Siri for Apple products. As we all know Apple iPhones, IPads and iPods have Siri voice command on ...
    9 years ago
  • Next New thing - If I had the next new media idea, I would possibly be rich. But off the top of my head, I think that virtual reality will be the next new thing. By virtual...
    9 years ago
  • New Media Idea - I believe that there is so many ways new media can be used that its really hard to come up with a very specific idea. But if I was really going to create a...
    9 years ago
  • The Next New Thing - The next new media I can think of is a personalized mailbox assistant. This idea is inspired by a movie, called 'Her'. Basically, this personalized mailbox...
    9 years ago
  • Next New Thing - A new type of media would be a social media platform used solely for classroom or school-wide activities. Sure students and educators can use available so...
    9 years ago
  • NEXT NEW - What would happen if you can use technology or social media in your sleep? There are people out there who are obsessed with the internet that they stay up ...
    9 years ago
  • Feeling Lonely? Too Much Time On Social Media May Be Why -
    7 years ago

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

the next new thing

i notice on other social networking sites such as facebook and twitter and instagram, how people market their products by sharing photos, they leave a link to another website like ebay and etsy or amazon for their potential buyers to click on. what about a social networking site that allows for socializing and also buying and selling of goods all on the same site without the involvement of a third party website?

i suggest a fun social media site that allows its users in form of buyers and sellers to socialize with one another easily without the hassle of roaming around different websites. a name such as social market place very well describe my idea. this kind of social networking site will allow the sellers to share as much information with their consumers as they want, as well as family and friends. not only that, it would also allow them to get feed backs from their consumer in a faster and easier way. from the consumers perspective, it will allow purchasing of goods and services easier because this new media will allows give them access to view products from different manufacturers or sellers in one place. the social media site will also allow them to make purchases in the same place without having to visit their paypal account and things of that nature. overall, it would be a fun thing for everyone.      

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

our class wiki - so far

there is  a genius brand behind wiki. it gives an impression that no idea is a bad idea. it is a medium where one can share his or her idea and thought without being criticized. so far, if have been contributing to pages such as advertising, social networking and new media. i am looking to upload images as well as facts and data to various pages to make them more interesting. i have a lot to share on wiki because it allows me to edit and add to what other users are sharing. for some reason, wiki is not allowing me to create a new wiki post which is what i really want to do and other users can collaborate with me. i am sure by the end of this class, i will already have contributed significantly to our class wiki. i have information on my mobile phone that i would like to add to wiki soon but i have been having technical difficulties connecting my phone to my pc. i plan to send these information to my email so i can open it on my pc, that way it would be easier for me to upload them to wiki.

p2p file sharing

what is file sharing? file sharing is the distribution or the provision of computer data over the internet. there are several types of file sharing and one of them is peer to peer file sharing. peer to peer file sharing is a system of sharing files directly between network users, with the requirement of a central server. file sharing is legal unless it is a copyrighted material of program. copyrighted material include music and computer software programs that are meant to be paid for to have access to. examples are music and games. examples of peer to peer programs are BitTorrent and Napster.

a blog post on all tech considered also shared an innovative way investors use p2p file sharing, the lending club. this allow borrowers to borrow directly while eradicating the intermediaries. by doing this, the investors are able to make good profit while the borrowers get lower interest rate, as low as six percent.

sources: peer-to-peer file sharing:

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Baruch college is downing a great job in using new media to communicate with students in terms of using the blackboard and cunyfirst. it is fast and convenient. the area i'll advice the school is the student email. the baruch email seem like an outsider in the sense that it is not directly connected to any of the other cuny or baruch accounts. this make student miss out on information sometimes. this can be improved if the baruch email can be connected to blackboard so that when student visit their blackboard site, they can also view their email in one shot. student usually visit their blackboard site more than they visit the baruch email. another way to make it convenient is to create an app. every student have their primary email such as yahoo or google of which they get instant notification on their mobile devices through the apps, if baruch email can provide an app where student can get instant notification on messages, it would be amazing.


privacy and confidentiality

privacy on the internet include the right for every individual to determine what information they share on the internet and how they are being used. unfortunately, this right have been taken away from us. this does not only apply to individuals but also to companies with large pool of information for example target, banks, insurance companies, etc. the amount of information available on the internet today is overwhelming, everything is out there and no information on the internet is safe. for every individual who owns a smartphone, the web analyst have in one way or the other tapped into your personal information like address, where you work, your life style and so on. marketing and advertising companies are able to tailor the products they advertise to you because everything on the internet is connected, doing something as simple as typing into the search engine on your phone or computer gives them the information they need as per what you might be interested in. at this point, it is not a big of a deal for some individuals, but in situations where confidential information such as credit information or medical history are being hacked into, i don't think the internet is the most secure space for these information to be stored. it used to be easy to convince people that the internet is safe, but now it is not, site such as facebook and google now have access to your personal information to a great extent which does not used to be like that. new media have made it a lot easier, almost tempting for people to share their personal information online.  

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


the ability to express ones creative idea is creativity. the idea can be original, that is something we made up on our own with internal inspiration, it can also be idea coined from others creativity. i believe creativity is an act of its own. it is a different thing to have all these amazing ideas and imaginations, but how well can you express it to the audience? where do you find your audience? this is where creativity comes to play because, depending on how well you can express and translate your ideas and thoughts, that is what measures how creative you are.

today, we can find a lot of creative people on the internet, new media made it possible and more accessible. new media has given people to ability to share their ideas. new media is creativity on it own, in addition to people being able to add or contribute to this creativity, new media is now amazingly a platform of creativity. on new media, one will find things that you have never imagined and incredibly creative ideas and item. 

creativity and new media

new media is where creative minded individuals get to showcase their creativity to the world. not only that, new media also gives less creative minded individuals the encouragement to be more creative. new media is an acceptable platform for people to show their work. a very good example is YouTube, Facebook, twitter, and Pinterest. these are social media site where people share their ideas through videos, in writing and photos. like the article in new york times about the parody videos and Disney accepting it. i think the idea about Disney not opposing these talented individual ideas is because of the creativity behind it. on the other hand, linked in is another new media platform where creativity comes to play when it comes to marketing your skills. so many thoughts are put into putting words that describes ones skills in order to get peoples attention.

another way new media have promoted creativity is the visual aspect of it. individuals get to put their true self forward in order for the audience to see. ideas can be shared in real time. also, it is like an archive where audience can always go back to and watch or read at any point in time.
