we live in a world of social networking today. a world where every businesses and the likes are tied to social media such as Facebook and twitter. social networking is widely accepted because it is a very and convenient way of connecting with family and friends in the aspect of personal use, and also a very cheap and convenient way for businesses to connect with their customers. social networking has a great impact in our society today. it has impacted businesses, life style (fashion, sports, hobbies). the positive thing about social media is that it give everyone a platform. everybody has a voice and can contribute to the society through social networking.
businesses are now turning to social media to advertise their products instead of the traditional television commercials, we now see them on Facebook, twitter, blogs, and YouTube. i think this create more awareness for products because social media can easily be accessed on the go because of smartphones and similar devices, unlike the traditional television which i am not even sure if people still sit to watch them anymore because i don't. an article on wall street journal sates that 131 million people between the ages on 18 and 64 in the US are Facebook users, that number is 500 million worldwide.
we can also look at social media in the aspect of job creation and its contribution to the stock market. some online businesses really solely on social networking when it comes to small business that cannot afford a website yet, it is a great platform to start. an article on forbes magazine states that blogging is the very easy platform for people to share there opinion and also market their brands. not only that, the article also gave some ideas of using blogging to effectively do this, for example, by asking a question or questions at the end of each post.
social networking companies such as google and facebook and twitter have made their companies public which people are investing in. it just shows how widely used the social networking company is. another interesting this is that forbe magazine says that social networking is not a lot of people are on social media as it appears to be. so, is it a good decision to invest in a social networking company?
ten myths about social networking for business
tapping into social-media smart